I have a fear of turbulence also. I've flown my whole life, but something happened after I had to fly by myself. I don't know where the turbulence fear came in to play. Maybe because I wasn't little and had my parents to hold my hands? I did have one scary experience, flying from Florida to CT, after going to my dad's funeral. The plane didn't start descending soon enough, so the pilot(s) had us in a VERY steep descent, and fast. It freaked me out to the point I had tears in my eyes and had to hold the hand of a stranger sitting next to me, who very kindly offered me their hand.
I've tried xanax on planes, I've tried ativan, and it did nothing for me. My doc gave me valium on the last plane trip I had, and that made it MUCH easier for me. I don't fly often, with not having enough money and being in nursing school (along with working), so I'm fine with just having an Rx for the flight.
Teg yw edrych tuag adref.