Originally Posted by sapiens
I don't think that it necessarily matters if a soldier was "trained" to do any of that if "dehumanizing the other" is the outcome. Whether or not "dehumanizing the other" expressed via racist comments or direct violence is pervasive in the military, I don't know.
For the context in which that pic was used, it absolutely matters. Ring made a blanket statement talking about the nature of military training, and that statement is 100% not true anymore. We're taught to be understanding of the culture, not the opposite. The pic of the naked pile of prisoners does nothing to prove otherwise, but instead shows what happens when you have a complete failure of the command structure.
---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 PM ----------
Originally Posted by ring
The mirror pic was an accident.
Cute? I dunno about that.
I read your entire post. I'm not a skimmer.
So, do you disagree then that the current "America" is not being brainwashed to
be scared constantly by a different 'Other?'
No I don't disagree at all. I think we're constantly surrounded by fear tactics of all sorts. Terrorism, Global Warming, Pandemics.... it's a long list. Not just the one big bad Red enemy who is ready to invade us at any time. It's a different kind of brainwashing, and America is still vastly different from back then. But, it's important to know that military training is a far cry from what it once was. We no longer train to fight "The Reds" or the Ruskies or the commies, or one singular enemy in whom to focus all of our hate. During the 50s, 60s and 70s, IMO, the military was guilty of a lot of poor tactics in regards to its own troops. Vietnam was the height of it all, and the proof is in all the vets who came home and couldn't make a normal life for themselves. The training we receive now is so different in regards to cultural awareness, respect, and all that, you can't even compare what I went through to what your dad (or my dad, Vietnam vet) did. I'm serious when I say what I lost count of all the culture classes we went through.