You know you are getting old when you do more and more for the last time, and less and less for the first time.
My grandfather took up tennis when he was 64. He lost out in the semi-finals of a master's tournament when he was 67. He told me he wasn't disappointed... learning to accept losing was all part of growing up.
In my younger days I studied to be a biochemist. Didn't work out, so I did a Commerce degree. Didn't like that so I did a qualifying year in Psychology and started work on my Masters. Never completed that, took up with computers. Got reasonably comfortable with that and started studying French. I did some personal financial counseling. Then I got an accounting designation. I worked for a number of years as a forecaster and statistician/computer modeler.
As you can see, I'm very confused. I have decided that when I grow up I want to be either a fireman or a jet fighter pilot.
GETTING older is mandatory... GROWING older is optional
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.