I've never belonged to a union so I'm fairly ignorant about the inner workings. What do they mean by secret ballots? Are we talking about voting on issues brought forth by the union (so long dental plan! Lisa needs braces!) or voting on weather or not to join a union? Or does ballot hold some different meaning here that I'm missing?
It would seem to me that secret ballots would eliminate any kind of coercion on the part of the majority and allow everyone's voice to be heard. When I picture a union having open ballots I visualize intimidation and peer pressure being a tool for a certain faction to get its way. How is it a good thing to open those opposed to an idea to ridicule or worse for being the voice of descent?
I don't know, these questions probably sounds pretty dumb to those schooled on the topic. I guess the whole thing is just whooshing right over my head.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”