Local weather forecast
New Port Richey, FL
Local forecastHourlyTen-dayMapsAverages
Current conditions (as of 1:53 PM) Today's forecast °F | °C
Weather WarningsClear36°F
Feels like: 28°F
Barometer: NA
Dewpoint: 18°
Humidity: 48%
Visibility: 10 miles
Precip in last hr: NA
Precip last 24 hrs: 0.01 in
Wind: 8 mph WNW
Sunrise: 7:24 AM
Sunset: 5:52 PM
UV Index: 1 Low
All times shown are local to New Port Richey.
Today Hi: 42°
Lo: 28°
6 PM 38°
Partly Cloudy
9 PM 37°
Partly Cloudy
Midnight 36°
Partly Cloudy
Averages for January
Average high: 71°
Average low: 44°
Record high: 89° (1948)
Record low: 13° (1981)
Average precip: 3.63 in
Averages for February
Average high: 73°
Average low: 47°
Record high: 94° (1928)
Record low: 19° (2009)
Average precip: 3.66 in
Averages for March
Average high: 77°
Average low: 51°
Record high: 94° (1928)
Record low: 21° (1980)
Average precip: 5.11 in
Averages for April
Average high: 82°
Average low: 55°
Record high: 96° (1991)
Record low: 30° (2003)
Average precip: 3.17 in
Averages for May
Average high: 88°
Average low: 62°
Record high: 101° (1945)
Record low: 44° (1997)
Average precip: 3.78 in
Averages for June
Average high: 90°
Average low: 69°
Record high: 103° (1927)
Record low: 47° (1984)
Average precip: 8.98 in
Averages for July
Average high: 91°
Average low: 71°
Record high: 105° (1971)
Record low: 60° (1981)
Average precip: 10.94 in
Averages for August
Average high: 91°
Average low: 71°
Record high: 100° (1927)
Record low: 61° (1997)
Average precip: 10.98 in
Averages for September
Average high: 89°
Average low: 69°
Record high: 98° (1968)
Record low: 48° (1981)
Average precip: 8.52 in
Averages for October
Average high: 85°
Average low: 61°
Record high: 97° (1935)
Record low: 29° (2008)
Average precip: 4.11 in
Averages for November
Average high: 78°
Average low: 53°
Record high: 102° (2007)
Record low: 22° (2000)
Average precip: 2.72 in
Averages for December
Average high: 73°
Average low: 47°
Record high: 90° (1991)
Record low: 15° (1962)
Average precip: 3.31 in
Jan 09
Details Cloudy
Hi: 42° Lo: 28°
Day: Cloudy. High 42F. Winds N at 16 mph. Air Quality: Good, UV Index: 1
Night: Partly Cloudy. Low 28F. Winds N at 15 mph.
"We were wrong, terribly wrong. (We) should not have tried to fight a guerrilla war with conventional military tactics against a foe willing to absorb enormous casualties...in a country lacking the fundamental political stability necessary to conduct effective military and pacification operations. It could not be done and it was not done."
- Robert S. McNamara
"We will take our napalm and flame throwers out of the land that scarcely knows the use of matches...
We will leave you your small joys and smaller troubles."
- Eugene McCarthy in "Vietnam Message"
never wrestle with a pig.
you both get dirty;
the pig likes it.