Originally Posted by guccilvr
I <3 my blackberry. So piss off Xman
Look, these new droid phones are awesome. Just deal with it and accept it. I'm an apple guy, but these make the iPhones look ridiculous. The only phone out that I'm not a fan of is the Pre. but it's mostly aesthetic.
Just got rid of my BlackBerry and switched services to get a Droid on Verizon...EXTREMELY happy I did so. The only thing I miss about my BlackBerry is the BB Instant Messenger.
Oh, and the constant battery pulls
Never had the battery panel come off, but I broke down and got a leather holster since it is somewhat larger and heavier than most other phones. A little much for me to carry in my pocket. I do agree the battery life is a little suspect. If I'm on it constantly, surfing the web, downloading apps, or playing games, I can have the thing dead in less than a day. Never had a problem with my cheek pressing buttons during a call. I've had my phone for a couple weeks and haven't had a lockup yet. I can say that I did have problems when I had the docking station connected to my computer. Constantly getting connect/disconnect tones and would even have my keyboard and mouse completely lose connectivity if left there for too long, causing a reboot by pressing the power button. But if I'm just transferring files and it's only connected for a couple minutes, I haven't had an issue. I simply plugged the docking station into the surge protector instead of the computer.