Sometimes, the strange foods in speculative fiction can make your mouth water. These delicious, fantastical items seem so good, you wish you could take a bite. Here are some of our most-wanted fictional snacks...
Sci Fi Foods We Wish Actually Existed - Food - io9
So I was reading that article and realized that it wouldn't be difficult to put together recipes for these fictional foods.
From Futurama:
Bachelor Chow!

It's tough to be a single, low-income grunt (or delivery boy) in the 3000s, so when your stomach is rumbling, but your wallet is empty, there's an easy fix.
3 c. potato flour
3 c. rolled oats
3 c. cooked brown rice
2 c. dry milk (or dry buttermilk, if you can find it)
2 tsp. seasoned salt
3 c. water
4 eggs
1 c. bacon grease
Pepper (optional)
Preheat oven at 175F. Blend flour, oats, rice, dry milk, seasoned salt, and water into doughy mixture. Beat the 4 eggs and melt in the bacon grease until mixed. Stir the egg/fat mixture into the flour/oats mixture. When the ingredients are properly combined, roll the dough (using the term loosely) into very small spheres and place on a baking pan. Or many baking pans, as the case likely is. Bake in 15 degree oven for about 20 minutes, or until kibbles are starting to dry.
Theoretically, these should taste like a poor-man's hush puppies, but I really don't know for sure. The good news is if you don't like them, these can be fed to a dog. (
source, sort of)
Okay, now it's your turn: come up with a real recipe for a fictional food from Science Fiction or Fantasy!