01-07-2010, 09:03 PM
#20747 (permalink)
Riding the Ocean Spray
Location: S.E. PA in U Sofa
you might enjoy GraphPorn
Among many interesting ones, I always liked that classic one of Napoleon's invasion of Russia:
"...one of the all-time classics of information graphics. It’s exceedingly complex, with six different variables, but maintains a relatively simple look and interpretation. Étienne-Jules Marey once said this of the graph, “[it] defies the pen of the historian in its brutal eloquence.” The graph was created by Charles Joseph Minard to show Napoleon’s invasion of, and retreat from, Russia. The width of the bar shows the number of troops under Napoleon’s command. when he first crosses the River Niemen, Napoleon has 422,000 troops. By the time he reaches Moscow, he has only 100,000. Then, he loses another 90% of his men on the trek back to the River Niemen. He finishes with just 10,000 men. Minard’s graph also shows temperature, location, direction of travel, and distance traveled."
