Thanks for the detailed response. I've had my photobucket account for nearing three years now, but I've delayed my uploading influx of photos within my portfolio because I never wanted to become popular enough to have to buy more bandwidth or storage space. It's held steadily under ~50MB for a while now, but the one caveat to not using it as much is that I've recently learned if you do not use your account for a period of 90 days or more, it will automatically be deleted. That's a right bummer, and it doesn't get any better because flickr has the same policy.
But, if you'd like to know, I used to use the
TinyPic service a while ago whenever I had a small and forgettable enough photo file that I had wanted to hotlink for optimal viewing ease. I looked back into it just recently, and decided, 'what the hey, let's get organized', and signed up for an account. The website seems to be a subsidiary of the Photobucket people, so no lewd or crude uploads are allowed, but from what I gather in my daily 5-minutes of usage, it seems to have no cap whatsoever in terms of bandwidth or storage at the moment. Of course, that is subject to change if it becomes increasingly popular enough to warrant an addendum to their policies, though seeing how it's unlimited, I'll try to use it to its fullest capacity, as allowed.
The reason why I mention it is not because I think it is superior to photbucket; (I think they're virtually the same entity and offer the same service, but maybe to two different segments of the internet population) it's because I'm using it to better organize my photos in folders, finally, seeing as I can't move any of the ones in my
other account without creating holes and voids randomly throughout my participation here.
I guess I just wanted to tell you that I'll be leaving my photobucket without folders for the time being (it only has around 7 pages worth of image files), while my new tinypic account will bear most of the brunt of my topic-worthy pictures, by classifying them into 8 different folders I have at the moment, ranging from an 'animals only' folder, to a 'Santa suit' only folder. The possibilities are endless.
I don't have the chart-making skills I once used to possess, nor the free time to outlay (still not sure if I made this word up) the key dates of progression.
Right now: The Longest Thread Ever! = 20736
That other stupid thread, which is still very a stupid, yet popular, obstacle toward our ultimate goal: WA = 22029
We're within bow-and-arrow distance now. Also, we have a good incentive to pick up the pace as our three-year anniversary is this week, on the 10th. We need to expand exponentially to the tune of about 435+ posts per day in order to catch up.