Originally Posted by Charlatan
I don't do resolutions. If I want to change something or accomplish something I don't wait for the beginning of the year... I just do it.
This is what I tell everyone, and its true.
Some of my goals that I set about 6 months ago include:
- Getting in stupid good shape, complete with hot-ass 6-pack
- Learn another language, I started all good on this before but dropped it recently. The languages I want to learn are Spanish and Arabic. Who knows if either will ever pan out
- Play more guitar! I put all my guitars on the walls a few months ago and since then I seem to play them much more often.
- Learn as much financial knowledge as I can cram into my head and see what I can do with it. In 2009 I managed to put more money into investments than my entire life before that, lets have 2010 top that!