I've always loved casters the best but liked playing them the least. I'm fine that they aren't primary carries and don't scale quite the same as Yi or Tryn or Trist or Kat, but my main annoyance with most of them is that they are very horrible farmers early game.
Sure late game they are great, but who isn't by then? Annie does pretty decently with the mana back on her nuke but she usually then has to save her energize for ganks/counter. Ryze I've been experimenting with, I tried going all out farming, you'd think he'd be great, and I thought I was doing well too. Then I looked at our scores at the end and trynd had triple my minions kills >< Last hits are hard on casters cause theyre projectile auto attack flies so slowly and they can't spam their abilities early game.
Is it just me or does it seem like casters should be able to farm better? Besides the rare exception like Karthus anyway casters are the worst early game farmers.