If we are talking about feelings...
Misanthropy does not deal with the feeling of superiority, but rather ( if at all ) with the potential feeling of “disappointment” in respect of other human beings and potential dislike, distrust, disgust, contempt, or even outright hatred.
But if we are talking about feelings...
Let us assume that a majority decides to kill themselves or do something irrational as a solution to some imaginative problem, even against your own “better” judgment, and the solution or idea you may (or may not) have shared or even advocate; or simply acquired it in the hindsight post factum.
Such situation may leave you feeling perturbed and disappointed by the stupidity of the masses and the individuals that make up those masses. Also It may induce feeling of ones superiority versus masses and individuals.
The problem starts when someone starts to apply generalizations and fails to see individual person with its reasons before applying such general judgments.
Nonetheless, masses can and are placed in “boxes”, based on certain associated behavioral characteristics, and preconceptions, psychological and sociological studies and of course market researchers and governments. Etc.
Unfortunately Individuals often do not escape such treatment and are victims of preconceptions and generalizations, due to the fact that no one can truly and fully appreciate and account for and individual and his her needs, when the human society of 6/7 billion people cannot let each other leave in peace.
But they try, and will keep trying.
What is ironic, everyone does it, to lesser or greater extent and we are all guilty of ignorance and arrogance. The trick is to understand and respect the difference in other person before passing judgments. But this is yet another story altogether.
Sorry boss but superiority is not really what question of misanthropy is about. But I will grant you that it may be (but not necessary) associative with the misanthropy while the feeling of "disapointment" is.
"Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it."