Problem downloading adult porn - any wise, savvy surf veterans out there?
Need a work around for a common web surfing problem. It's a problem that sucks up too much time out of a surf session. Need a solution that will deal a sure and fast death blow to the misdirect. A misdirect may sound like a pop up but it's not. They're two totally separate things. The problem: when you visit a website that is an actual gallery of thumbnail images to browse images of hundreds of people (in this case ladies like the ones found at the link below) and you click on an image you find appealing (lets say the image that caught your eye was that of a blond woman walking through a park sans clothing) nine times out of ten you will not be directed to the image that caught your attention, the blond girl strolling naked through the park. Instead you'll be misdirected. Forget about the blond's 6 or so jpegs you had your heart set on seeing or any of the video clips taken at the park, for that matter. Nope, instead you'll be misdirected to another website, another totally different website with a different URL and one that contains more thumbnails of thousands more women. So now that you've been misdirected to a new website, you take a quick look around at the new thumbnail gallery and you see a ton of different women, one image stacked on top of another, with each woman represented by a thumbnail. You come across the thumbnail of a nice looking brunette who stops your little head dead in its tracks. And when you click on the heart-stoppers thumbnail, the same darn thing happens again ad nauseum, repeat cycle. Being forced to deal with misdirects again and again wastes a huge amount of time. The misdirects outnumber the direct connections 10 to 1. Any solutions on how a surfer can get around all the maddening misdirects and get right to the main image/video? Is there a code you enter or delete?