Star Wars Games for the Non-Gamer?
I haven't played anything since the original Quake back in the 90's and don't have any interest in getting sucked into an online world, but I do have a hankerin' for blowing up the Death Star and shooting out some AT-ATs.
Can anyone recommend a Star Wars game for PC that allows me to sit in the cockpit of assorted ST vehicles and run basic missions through the classic movie battles? Does such a thing even exist anymore?
I'm looking for a game that I can enjoy for short stints rather than one with immersive planning and strategy or empire building.
From what I've read, it looks like maybe Battlefront 1 or 2 is best for me. What do you think?
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life