Originally Posted by ring
Why am I having so much difficulty inserting images?
I keep getting rexed when attempting to start a journal.
in case no one mentioned it, the size limit for TFP attachments across the board is set at 100 kilobytes(Kb).
I also learned just 5 weeks ago what the "paperclip button" did, and what would happen if you press it twice (no box).
but, there are alternative outside site help that allows hotlinked images, such as:
(I think all three of the above are one coroporation)
livejournal (I have no idea how it works though)
google blogs / picasa
..and, I think that's it. (it took me 3+ years to figure out the intracies of maintaining my megali-voluminous photo collection for longevity's sake. My archive grows by an average of 65+ photos each waking day, and I still have hundreds of unclicked websites, forum posts, and blog articles I have yet to transpose for easier conveyance and sharing purposes. I shouldn't have started all those threads. I'm stretched too thin.