C0DE423, I've never been in the military, but I would imagine a preoccupation with death is something you'll want to get out of your system before being deployed. If this concern continues, I strongly suggest a few sessions with a trained professional therapist or counselor in addition to speaking with your pastor or priest.
Good luck and be careful.
Regarding the Bible and killing/murdering, I know of plenty of passages that don't just condone murder, but command it. Likewise, there are pacifistic verses which very clearly put fourth the idea that one should never kill. The Bible is always going to be subjective because of its inherent contradictions, so please try to filter what you read through your own personal morality and the social contract. If you're like me and you don't believe in killing, don't kill. If you're like Slims (and most other people) and don't believe in murdering, don't murder. If you think it's okay to murder, please see the social contract (if you commit murder, there will be consequences imposed on you by your given society).