Originally Posted by dc_dux
Still dodging the fact that the vast majority of the uninsured are not high risk as you claim (with no data) but simply dont have access to affordadle insurance w/o that employer subsidy that nearly 200 million of their fellow citizens receive.
The bill creates a larger pool, Insurance Exchange, to drive down the cost and through which these folks are likely to contribute more than they take out.
I'm not dodging anything. Unless you have access to these peoples medical records you have no way of knowing that they have no health issues or are not high risk. I am assuming they are, rightly or wrongly doesn't matter. If they are high risk premiums will go up. If they are not high risk premiums are still going to go up with the inclusion of out of pocket maximum ceilings being put in place. My point is that no matter what, with this current bill premiums will go up.