Those people that are at "high risk" are the ones that need the insurance the most and haven't been getting it. If this bill helps people who need the help the most then it should be supported. Giving insurance coverage to those who would need it the least, and continuing to leave those most in need out in the cold makes no sense to me.
The bill can introduce many changes to reduce costs to help these people and give everyone coverage. Stuff like allowing generic drugs from Canada would cut costs quite a bit i think. It's not like Canada is some third-world country where we have to worry about there being monkey poo mixed into the pills.
I've also heard of a lot of bad things going into this bill.. but then i look and see that all of this stuff is coming from Republicans who are, seemingly, doing everything they can to stop people from receiving proper health coverage. Why that is, i don't know. Perhaps they are sadistic motherfuckers, perhaps many of them are too rich to understand the hardships people go through in this country, or maybe they're just being flat out bribed. Very few, if any, do it because they don't like "big government".
We Must Dissent.