Originally Posted by rahl
Interesting story and all, but what does this have to do with a US war in yemen?
Because this is being used as a selling point to the American people to get them behind a war with Yemen and it looks like it's built around a lot of inconsistencies that should be taken care of before getting the propaganda ball rolling any further.
If the Intelligence community can't get the the bottom of this or continues to botch investigations like this, then don't we have to assume they are bull shitting us or are too inept to lead us into war? I mean the whole Iraq intelligence blunder was pretty costly I'd say.
There are obviously other players that made this happen and some of them seem to be in the intelligence community whether US or another country. Al Qaida can't just magically get clearance to board a plane without a passport. The guy is on the terror watch list and gets on the plane without a passport. This story is preposterous in my eyes.