gather round and I shall tell all of you (some of you again) how the name guccilvr (guccilover) came into existence. It's a grand tale full of enchantment and betrayal.
It all started when I was 17. When I was 17 I was a super jock. I had multiple offers for scholarships to Div I. schools for multiple sports. I was a god. One of my good friends was similar to me in that he had some offers to play for Div. I schools but he was always the second or third pick. He was a friend but had a bit of jealousy.
Anyway, this friend of mine also had a mother. His mother was affluent and had cash. I don't know if it was her husbands cash or what, but not only did she have a nice bankroll, she was HOTT. HOTTTT. Can you hear the words sizzle?? Well, I was over at this friends house quite a bit and would always flirt (harmlessly) with the mom. She seemed to enjoy the attention.
One day, I was over at her house, when, she came out wearing what was described as a dress and her heels. This chick always seemed to wear high heels. She asked how she looked and I made some inane senior in high school comment about "I'd do you". I don't really know how or what happened next, but, I do remember ending up in the bedroom with this lady. She was a freak. She wore her heels which incidentally happened to be Gucci brand.
Fast forward a few days later, and word somehow got out that I had banged this dude's mom. Naturally, I had to have a few fights with the kid because he wasn't fond of me fuckin' his mom. Go figure right? So some of the guys started callin' me guccilover because she was my gucci lover who wore gucci heels.
That concludes this tale. If I think of more details I'll add them, but for now, I have to go and buy the wife some heels