Originally Posted by Vaultboy
Lemme see,
I had a birth defect: My feet were attached to each other at the back of my achilles tendons to the base of my calves, so that had to be seperated and reattached. I was also born with one club foot, so that had to be corrected. I basically spent the first year of my life with my legs in casts..
My daughter was born with something similar but luckily we were able to keep her feet wrapped tightly for a month and they formed correctly, she was a premmie too so maybe that made a difference.
When I was 14 I had spinal fusion surgery due to a 70% scoliosis curve. I have to steel rods that hold my spine in place with corresponding hooks on each vertebra. When I was 23 I had the wisdom teeth extraction...not fun, and about 2 years ago I started developing bone tumors (noncancerous) around my clavicle so I have had one surgery to remove them.
But the exciting news....my tubal ligation scheduled for January 2010! Now that is a surgery I am looking forward to