A Christmas Poem
A cold and wintry blast of air comes sweepin' 'cross the town
To let us know that winter's here, to some it brings a frown
But bear we must, for 'tis our fate that Northerners be chilled
When winter weather rolls around, as though it had been willed
Time to get the shovel out and move around some snow
So passers-by can navigate the walkways to and fro
And it's always nice to hear the Carolers a'singin'
Now and then a horse and sleigh goes by, their bells a'ringin'
Neighbors sweepin' off the porch, and kids outside at play
Throwin' snowballs at each other, noisy thru the day
Memories of days gone by, and the things I did
How the time has slipped away from when I was a kid
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year