But, since neither Mrs. O'Rights, nor myself, are likely to use either of our vehicles in the execution of a felony, this really doesn't affect me all that much. Call it one of the many benefits of being a law abiding citizen, I guess.
Right up until a police K-9 "alerts" on the cocaine contaminating the money in your pocket*. BAM, instant "drug crime" in which your vehicle was involved, which leads to instant asset forfeiture. Do not pass "go," do not collect $200.00, and don't even think about getting your car back. This used to be a favorite and infamous tactic among PDs in Louisiana, Florida, North Carolina and Georgia. The vehicles would then either be auctioned to pay for that month's shortfall in speeding-ticket revenues, or simply kept by the department in question for use as a bait vehicle, patrol car, or undercover "G-ride."
*85-plus percent of all US banknotes are contaminated with detectable traces of cocaine.