Here's my diatribe on airlines in the US. I lived in Europe for awhile, and I remember buying airline tickets for as little as 25 euro. The most I paid to fly anywhere around western europe was 100 euro. Now, it is true that they didn't have any "perks" like a free can of coke but I'd rather forgo the coke and save a couple hundred bucks.
as far as the delays go, it is incredibly stupid for them to keep people on the plane during delays. Any idiot airline worker can see when there are going to be delays due to weather or traffic, and it makes no sense at all to keep these poor saps who all shelled out a few hundred bucks to sit on this hot-ass tin can when they can easily let them hang out in the gate where they can at least get something to eat or drink, or take a shit for g'ds sake. If it takes a damn presidential decree to get the airlines to stop screwing the hell out of these poor people, then the airlines in this country are really in sad shape. I look forward to the day when Ryan Air and Easy Jet break into this market and screw all the other ones out of business by offering reasonable prices and on-time flights.
These are the good old days...
formerly Murp0434