Originally Posted by Smackre
It there a way to make the logs auto erase after a couple days?
You can use the Windows Task Scheduler I believe. You can do it via Disk Cleanup, probably, or you'd need to figure out where Windows keeps the DOS commands; I don't believe that Task Scheduler allows you to schedule console commands, although I could be wrong. You can schedule it to do a cleanup every X hours or days, which may help.
If the software is key, you can use fdisk to partition the remaining space on the drive in NTFS and leave the FATx partition intact. Trouble is, if the software is installed on the OS in the FATx partition, it might be tricky to move it. You'd probably be looking at manually replicating registry keys and editing them to point to the appropriate location, and editing registry keys is usually a bit more involved than most people want to go.
The simplest option would be to image the drive and then move the contents to a new HDD.
EDIT -- I just double-checked, and Task Scheduler will accept console commands. The trick is that you have to create the task manually by going through File>New Task . If you try to do it through the Wizard, you won't get the option.