Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
I can't remember much of my life before computers.
I'm pretty sure my family picked up the red-hot Commodore 64 close to the time it was released.
We had a Commodore 64 that plugged into our Sony Trinitron TV. Since the monitor was also the main TV in our house, the Commodore 64 didn't get much love. A couple years later, Dad started bringing home computers from work. His high school had a Mac Classic with a special carrying case, and he brought it home on weekends and vacations. After a few years of borrowing various Macs, they bought an LC III, which we owned until I was 15 (it's still in their garage because I won't let them get rid of it). That was replaced by our first PC, which had an Intel Celeron 333mhz chip. I took that PC to college. It was replaced at home by an HP with a 633mhz? Celeron, and at school by a Dell with a P4 chip. The Dell has since been rebuilt into a desktop with only the P4 remaining, but has been replaced by a HP dv6000 laptop and an ASUS eeePC900 netbook.
Before computers, I read a lot, but I still do. I just finished another novel last night. I do a lot of reading on the computer now--good fanfiction, newspapers, magazine articles. I also do a lot of academic reading on the computer--my college library is moving more and more of its collection of journals online. I also write. I've always used computers for writing. I have a cyst in my left hand that keeps me from writing longhand for lengthy periods of time.
A lot of things I did before the Internet, I still do, I guess. :shrug: