Just saw Avatar.
It's pretty great.
I'll agree with so many reviews that say that it's more about the way the story is presented than the story itself. Though the story is pretty good - at almost 3 hours there are a good deal of plot changes. In fact, I'd say that the over-arching plot line could of been spread out over 2 or 3 movies, and the rest filled with with richer character development and sub plots.
My biggest gripe with the movie was the protagonist. Any time the plot got a millimeter deeper than surface level, he had to start talking and spell it out to us - which instantly cheesed out the plot. Furthermore, he never really came across to me as someone who actually got down/up to the level of the alien race. He was always crude and stupid, even when i could sense the actor struggling to turn this character into something more three diimensional But that character was SUCH A DOUCHE.
oh, and the reviews that say you'll forget that it's a CGI flick are wrong. The CGI is amazing, boundary pushing stuff... but you'll never believe you're looking at another world. It all very much looks rendered, save for a few key scenes.
I hope I don't sound like I'm whining too much.. really, I'm whining about reviews that get your hopes up. In the end, this is a super fun, awe inspiring movie that has a moving story line that 99% of the world can relate to and empathize with. I hope everyone does, and I hope the "simple" message it has resonates with people in a way history lessons often fail to.