Yeah I know, that was just in response to your specific response. And I'd rather have my buddy w/ a rifle *and* my handgun personally... The percentages weren't meant to be accurate or anything, just saying I'll take the biggest available within reason. If I sprain my wrist with a .50 on the first shot and miss...fml.
Nobody in their right mind would use a 9, .40 or .45 to stop a bear.
I guess I know a shitton of hunters out of their minds then
(which they may be) cause none of them own a .50. And a backup pistol is better than a backup knife.
I don't think this has anything to do with your qualifications as a modern day slayer of animals and/or consumer of alcohol and tobacco products.
Umm you called me on my knowledge and claimed I got it all from video games. I simply said its from real life and I don't think you know shit more than I do about what might stop a bear.
Once again we are practically giving the same damn advice and you seem to have some bug up your ass about me and keep calling me on stupid shit.