Originally Posted by Zeraph
Well a poisoned stick can bring down a bear... the question is of time and repeatability. I think we can safely say 9mm or under isn't going to be a good bet though it'd technically be possible. A .40 isn't a .50 but its not too bad either. I don't think we have enough data to reliably say one way or another. Could have been lucky...might not be a bad choice. Not many people can practically carry and shoot reliably a .50 while under pressure and still hit a moving target. .40s, .44s, and .45s are going to be what most people would have as a realistic backup piece for bears.
I'd think .44 mag would be the best all around unless you're good with a .50.
And what .40s, .45s, and .50s are you guys talking about here? Seems like video game / action movie knowledge.
Most people can't carry and shoot a 9mm under pressure or hit a moving target while relaxed.