In my experience, you have three choices at this point:
1) you can continue to bait and to take the bait and wait until some officer picks a side and either kicks you or them (probably you);
2) you can leave yourself and seek greener pastures;
3) you can mute them on vent and ignore them in guild and simply not worry about the fact that they nominally play this game with you.
I don't have any real advice to you about which of these three you should pick, but it sounds like this situation is already pretty stupidly out of control on all sides. I guess what I'd think about is what you want from WoW. If you want to screw off and hang out with people, it might be worth it to stick around and mend fences. If what you want to do is play the game, well, attention whores and internet white knights tend to be some of the worst players, period, and you're cutting off your nose to spite your face by staying in a guild with them anyway.