I've been around on WoW for awhile and have been in every kind of guild you could think of. My favorite guild was a hybrid of Casual and Hardcore. We did raid 3-4 days a week with a group of 20 or so of us that knew our characters and knew how to play. We did have drama like you mentioned before, but the officers (which I was technically one, even if I didn't have any power) handled everything the best way possible. We always posted rules (which pugs didn't get rolling change on items in major Raids, but that was posted WAY before pugging anyone) and followed them. Well, I broke a lot of rules, but it was always in good natured fun. I loved hanging out with everyone in the guild and all of the officers were good friends of mine. We had drunken duels night a lot, where we would setup a channel in vent a bunch of us would get drunk and either do drunk PVP or drunk runs. Hell, the guild leader had my phone number and would call me if I was drunk in the bar and forgot about the raid. I loved it. We were a "bloated" guild, but we still had fun with it.
I also was in the "hardcore" raiders that constally monitored everyone's DPS/HPS and if you dropped below their Raiding Ratio that had to be maintained for you to have a spot in the riad. I didn't heal at a certain amount through the raid I wouldn't get a chance on drops and I was constally being told that I wasn't "playing correctly". I was told that no drinking was allowed during raids because they were there to Raid, not have fun. I hated it and eventually left the guild and WoW because of them. They sucked the fun out of the game. There was no drama because you were kicked with no questions asked because "it was a privilege to be in this guild, we are #blah blah blah in the land". I don't want to raid like that.
I like raiding and all, but sometimes the sacrifices you make to raid at the levels you need to to get the epic lvl gear is sometimes not worth it. Back to the OP, yeah I've made comments like that were taken literally and pissed people off. I also drank alot so most people just said, "Oh he's drunk, don't mind him". They eventually made my guild title as Guild Drunk so people wouldn't take me seriously anymore. Helped a lot.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich