Laserath- what do you mean by she heals a ton? I've seen a few people say this but her heal is the worse single target in the game (not by a lot but still). Or wait, actually is it? I can't remember tarics atm (but his heals himself too), either way, its at least the same and I don't see any Nidalee heal centric character builds in the future.
But yeah, she is oddly squishy even with some defensive items. In a game I was doing quite well in, I was easily above the enemy gangplank and he was by himself. I thought, easy kill! Ran up, and crit crit (he didn't even use his ult) there goes almost all my was a close fight, I almost got him. But his parrley crit the shit out of me and got me before I could even shift and heal. She's a good character but I think that rightt here proves she is a hybrid and not a true carry or gank character and not in need of a nerf.
Vault- Did they use executioners calling (or called something like that). That right there is already a very good mechanic to stop healing during fights. Sounds like you faced newbs. Its a cheap item, like ~1400, (this is all just off the top of my head) and gives crit, lifesteal, a 50 point dot, and 60% less heals on target for 12 seconds! Plenty of anti heal. Anytime I see a competent healer in game I get that item on almost any of my characters. Early game the dot plus debuff almost completely negates healing received on the character im focusing. And that's only from hitting them once on an auto attack. Don't even have to activate it...Late game, frankly heals just don't mean as much (cause of the crazy burst dps and stuns possible) and the percentage part of the debuff scales well anyway.
Last edited by Zeraph; 12-20-2009 at 11:56 AM..