I thought I would post this to show a bit of my creative process - there is a recent thread asking about our process so here is a start-to-finish from inner vision to finished reality.
I had this picture come into my head when I was doing my stained glass fish piece of a tree figure and a fish juxtaposed in a Yin Yang fashion. The vision was fairly strong and intriguing. I wanted to paint it, and had a blank canvas 16" x 24" sitting in my room - so I needed to work up sketches to show myself how I could make my vision real on the existing size of canvas.
Here are some sketches I did, a colour sketch to make the vision more real to me, a final (very faint, and colour enhanced) sketch in blue pencil to transpose to canvas, and a (rather poor) digital picture of the final painting.
Roundabout, 16" x 24" acrylic.
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
I'm going with this - if you like artwork visit