So my Lady has this office with a terribly boring view of walls of windows, a slice of sky, the top of the CN tower. She wants me to make her a stained glass window or 3. It (or they) will be fairly large - the minimum I think I can make them is 24" wide x 36" high.
In order to make these windows I need to learn how to do glass. So I took an 8-session glass course at a local glass store. I made 2 student pieces that I started this thread to show, both approx. 17" wide by 11" tall.
The first one was a supplied template I chose and modified by adding a couple of beveled circles of clear glass. The technique was to be leaded carm glass.
The second one was to be a copper foil piece, and I wanted to do my own one so I came up with a design of a fish. It is fun picking out the glass, not so fun cutting it and having it split for no discernable reason. Oh whell. The kitchen now has 2 different stained glass pieces hanging in it, and I think they really add to the look of the place
So some preliminary sketches, a colour sketch to scale, and the windows themselves in place in the kitchen.