Imma add a few things to my original post, as I didn't consider them surgery...
- While working retail, I was pulling a metal cart of product behind me to go stock shelves. The cart caught the back of my ankle and ripped it open. I had 7 stitches.
- While cutting hair, I was working on an Indian dude - you know how heavy and thick their black hair is. I was rushing through it, as it's difficult to spot mistakes in a mop like that. Sliced open my middle knuckle on my left hand. It was a super clean cut, but because it was my knuckle, it had to be stitched closed. I got 5 stitches for that one.
- Endoscopy in '02.
- Colonoscopy in '09.
- I was born without tear ducts. They put me in a body cast from the waist up. My parents had to move 2 strings back and forth - one in each eye - they went from my new tear duct through my nostrils. This helped the new ducts form. I made medical journals for this procedure.