When I was 17/18, right after I had my son, I decided to move down to West Virginia for a fresh start. A girl I knew there told me about this AWESOME job opportunity where I could make so much money.
That job turned out to be selling Kirby's door to door. We had about 6 people pile up into a van and go around the KY/OH/WV tri-state area, knocking on doors and hoping someone would let us in to waste an hour and a half of their life showing this vacuum cleaner. It was hard to get someone to let you in (We normally bribed them with a bottle of Tide) and it was even harder once you were in to get them to buy it. Then, if the person did decide to buy it, you prayed they had good credit.
There are 3 credit scales they go by. A credit - which is great credit and we made about 600 dollars off the sale. This hardly ever happened. B credit - Not so bad credit. We made a couple hundred off of these sales. This also hardly ever happened. C credit - Bad or no credit. We didn't make ANYTHING off these sales. This happened all of the time. We also got a 25 dollar bonus if the buyer payed with cash/credit card/check. Most of the time if they paid cash though, we cut them a deal selling the Kirby for a thousand bucks (retail was $1798.82) and then we wouldn't make any commission off of it.
They said we could make $300 a week if we did 15 demos, but that was hard. You were lucky to do 1 demo a day, let alone 3. I would say, all in all, I made around 200 dollars. In 6 months. It's a company based on the pyramid system and I was too young and dumb to know it.