I've always been relatively unanimated while speaking, which is unusually contrasted by my propensity for both gestures and facial expressions while listening. Eyebrow lifting, mouth quirking, goatee stroking, nodding, chin holding, among others.
Eye contact is steadily maintained unless I sense that the other person is uncomfortable with it, in which case I will avert my eyes on occasion.
For the most part, speech is confined to a narrow tonal range, as I tend to subdue strong emotional reactions. Raising my voice feels unnatural. I've often been referred to as a Vulcan during conversations.
Humor is morbid, sarcastic, and thoroughly deadpan. I am incapable of telling a joke, but I am known for situational remarks characterized as astute. Those moments of humor depend on the situation, so if it's bland and uneventful, don't expect much from me. I can't cheer you up when you're down, but I can cause delightful schadenfreude before your better judgement realizes what is happening and silences it.