Originally Posted by Toaster126
[...] I think this has nothing to do with the people per se, but more their surroundings.
Originally Posted by PonyPotato
I know that in terms of thinking abstractly, it comes a lot easier for me when I have someone to share with. Someone to draw on a white board with and explore different ideas and solutions to some problem we have both defined. It helps if one of us understands the concept being explored more than the other, because then he/she can act as a bit more of a "guide."
Both of these comments bring up a good point: when I was at my most creative, I was surrounded by others who were trying to be creative as well. These days, I feel locked up in a cloister. Maybe I should engage with the TFP creative community more by sharing and offering things up for critique and feedback.
I should also find a way to do this with others in the flesh and blood.
Originally Posted by PonyPotato
I won't be much help with suggestions in this thread (at least not yet!), but I am definitely in the same boat.. as if my most recent blog post doesn't tell you that. 
Au contraire. If you share with us the steps on your journey by posting here, it will help immensely. Actually, I'm pretty sure it was your blog post that was a catalyst in my creating this thread in the first place. I should probably thank you for that.
See? You're helping already!