Originally Posted by Leto
had no sex life.
I think, Xerxes et al, unless you are joking about yr wonderment, I would listen for the sound of one hand clapping. Happy troglodytes the world over are smiling in the glow of their computer screens, fapping away to the sights and sounds of the most lubricious, gorgeous, proactive and unattainable women the WWW can buy. Oh my.
I hope I don't segue too inappropriately, but I actually met my Lady online
To address the OP - personal computers didn't come into my life until the mid-90's, my two oldest were half grown by that time. I was an inveterate reader (pretty well a book a day since grade school) who occasionally pulled out his drawing materials and made something. I also watched a fair bit of NFL football for a few years, which burns up the hours. Home renovations (a little old house constantly being adjusted due to entropy and the needs of a growing family) and the responsibilities that came from being married to a woman who's mom and siblings constantly needed rides/help/time also ate up moments of time. Hmmm - child care itself was a huge time sink. I raised 4 kids all told, and worked shifts so basically the ex and I took turns week in, week out, sometimes months on end, almost living as single parents of a large brood. That sucked.
I spend a lot of time in front of the computer, but the child care still is a factor (my Lady's youngsters, plus my own youngest come into town every two weeks). I also am reading (a
lot less - a book or 2 a month I think, I catch maybe 2 or 3 NFL games a year now. My art is where a lot of time goes. That and being the home support team. Wind beneath her wings, don't you know.
As for the OP - in TFP we commonly answer our own questions if we start a thread, sort of a politeness and a participation at the same time. Give the thread something in order to prime the pump so to speak. That said, tell me Renee22 - what did
you do before computers ?