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Old 12-18-2009, 11:17 AM   #142 (permalink)
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Location: The Cosmos
High- No it doesn't, I've tested it. Would be awesome sauce if it did :P

Vault- you must be doing something wrong with her cougar form then. Make sure you have sheen and eventually get either lichbane (if ap) or triforce if dps. Her cougar form abilities go off extremely quickly, my pounce is at 2.7 seconds. The cougar's Q can hit for crazy amounts if the champ is at low health, and the E cougar's AoE is pretty good. Pounce and the E AoE both hit for around 300 (both AoE) by 18 without any AP bonus. And both are on very short cool downs. Q can hit for even more. But like I was saying last night, she's not a true carry, so her cougar form isn't (and shouldn't) perform like Yi or something. And if they gave her a CC she'd be OP I think. She can already chase really well (use pounce while chasing even if you're not hitting them).

You should generally open in human form, spear, trap (since it has such a long placement), throw the heal on for speed, then cougar for burst dps, then back to human usually. I mean, the cougar form burst dps is like, ~1000 damage (2/3s AoE) before armor (not including sheen procs or auto attack dmg!) on like an ~5sec cooldown essentially. How is that not a good ult? The only drawback of course is that you have to go into melee and she isn't very tough.

Laserath- instead of Gunsoo's rageblade you should think about Nashoor's tooth. It's quite nice for her and has some mana regen. Very nice to build from after meliki pendant which I think is the best 1st item to get on her. I'm toying with even getting both, regardless of build.

Possibly, meliki, sheen/boots, nashors, then maybe rageblade. I know that doesn't seem optimal from a sheen/cougar point but it just seems to work with her. Not sure why. Then lichbane and rylais or triforce later of course.

Last edited by Zeraph; 12-18-2009 at 01:12 PM..
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