I was a bus boy/cashier at a restaurant. The customers were absurdly rude, and the owners of the restaurant would yell at you in front of the customers (circle of life huh...). If you didn't know how to do something on the immensely complex cash register system, the owners would sign extremely exaggerated and go over and do it for you at 100 MPH and yell at you saying "you're GOING TO HAVE TO LEARN THIS"
One time, when I was busing tables, I sat at the counter looking for "prospects" to clean off their tables and the owner was sitting at the bar. He said "HEY! Hey man! What are you doing?" and I said "looking for tables to clean up." He said in front of probably 5 customers, "get your hands out of your pockets, it looks like your beatin' your meat in my restaurant. Stop spankin' it."
If I did one thing even minorly wrong or incorrect, the owners would just go ballistic and go off on you for absolutely nothing in front of all the customers. Worked there for 3 months and finally quit. Was my first job.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.