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Old 12-17-2009, 05:27 PM   #1 (permalink)
Sitting in a tree
Location: Atlanta
What surgeries have you had?

Was there any one in particular that was worse than the others? Any words of caution to others who may have the same surgery in the future?
  • My first was in high school - all 4 impacted wisdom teeth were removed. They say folks swell up like chipmunks post surgery. Not only did I swell, but I looked like I had the poo beat out of me for a little over a week. All bruised on my face and down my neck.
  • In '95, I had knee surgery on my left knee to snip and shave off some torn cartilage. It wasn't too bad. The worst part of that was the physical therapy.
  • And a couple summers ago, I had my gallbladder removed. Not too terribly painful but I'm still pissed over the scarring. My belly button piercing is now pointless. Nothing sexy about it at all anymore.
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