TALKING DIRTY cannot be taught. It has to be coaxed. Initiator and follower technique works. This is what I do. Sex has different moments of heights of ecstasy. You will know her/his high moments. As initiator, I whisper and ask, "You like my cock?". I get a nod or a soft "yes"!. I whisper and request a repeat, "I like your cock" . It is a conversational erotic sex game. "what cock" I ask.
She says "big cock" or "long cock" or "hard cock". I make them repeat, I like your big,long, hard cock". I have got them comfortable to say, "I like your licking"; "lick me now"; "good fucking" and so on. there are times in foreplay, where I delay touch and the urge makes them say, "rub my cunt". It is confidence with partner, loss of shyness and courage that brings the words out at heights of performance. I use to say, there are only three of us here... "you,me and we. So, why shy". Then it works, Give time.