I think you might do good to question yourself and your motives a bit too. It seems like you worry a whole lot.
Why do you worry this much? Do you trust her despite yourself?
Do you worry so much about other people as well?
Sometimes people thrive in different situations than your own (concerning the "bad situations" you mentioned). Maybe it's her way of living itself that sort of leads to it, and she is used to living this way.
I think you might wanna "let go" a bit more. It's not that you would release her and cut all friendly ties with her. It's just something like a mother or a father finding faith in their children, and realising they can make it in the world, without constant help.
And I definitly don't think you should stop having her in your life. A friend is a valuable commodity, they are more than a person, and help you to become more as well.
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