He knows the system well.
In my opinion, all that the professor is trying to show when he is describing his daughter and her actions is that she is still innocent, free, and unharmed by the shame that is used to create conformity, fear, and guilt which seems to prevail so strongly in American society and also in some of these comments. His and his daughters lack of shame concerning her sexuality in no way indicates sexual abuse. Those that believe that because he expresses her lack of shame and his desire to protect her from a flawed system seem to suffer from fear and shame themselves. American is ofter driven by fear which does take away our freedoms day by day in the name of safety. I am not religious whatsoever and do not share the same view of God as he does, but I fully agree with all else that he says. You can plug in many words for god such as spirit, light, energy, being, Ala, etc. This letter was written about the time I graduated and although I may have already been too affected too by many of the things that he is attempting to protect his daughter from in order to take all that I could have from it, I wish that I had been exposed to this letter much younger in my life. I was certainly the product of shame, guilt, and conformity. I thought good grades were what school was all about as I graduated with a 3.9 GPA. I wish I had realized that there was so much more to life than text book teaching and finding my place in society. I happened to have my eyes opened up to much of what is wrong with our school systems which he has described on my graduation night party among the 300 students I graduated with. I was under the influence of LSD for the first and only time in my life and could finally see through all the masks driven by insecurity and the need to be accepted that so many people wore. I could see all the shame and inferiority in those that did not fit in. And I could also see those that did their best to tell the system to piss off. Those people whom have the ability to think for themselves and challenge the system are the ones I have the most respect for.