Originally Posted by sprocket
Well, even if many global warming proponents are a little unjustifiably alarmist, this is unjustifiably optimistic. If at all you suggest their dire predictions are unjustified, you are guilty of the same here.
I am not making predictions, I am just pointing something out that many seem to ignore regarding the "feed back loop". My position is - we don't know - take an incremental approach to controlling pollutants - we have made significant improvements and we should continue putting in the effort without the fear mongering.
Historical evidence brings to bear periods of mass extinctions and radical ecosystem changes from relatively minor climate blips when compared with some predictions of global warming. So there's plenty of good evidence to suggest that its not just going to be more roses and sunshine, even if global warming causes a temporary swing of the pendulum that eventually gets brought back to equilibrium. The faster the changes, the less able the ecosystems we depend on will be able to adapt, and will be potentially wrecked in the process.
One mass extinction involved dinosaurs. We don't know the cause of that, with the most popular theory being the Asteroid Theory, which may have been a sudden event. What are "minor climate blips", I am not clear on that, but if you measure the "blips" in millions of years we may be talking about species evolving rather than extinctions,