I'm not embarrassed by my hearing loss. Some people may be, so I'm happy to keep this discussion public on the off chance it helps somebody else. I'm not upset by people posting pictures making fun of my condition (*ahem* Charlatan, you butthole)
The tests are scheduled months apart. Next test is in February. But my hearing sucks, and I know it.
My hearing loss varies in intensity (which leads them to believe the problem is in the nerves). Sounds are distorted and mushed together, which is the problem that it most obvious. I am only aware of missing high-end sounds, but some frequencies of bass drive me nuts, some fans sound super loud and wrong to me, and some sounds, like stacking plates are nearly painful. The sound of water in my sink sometimes sounds like my phone ringing.
So talking to my kids while I am driving is rough.
You can see the trouble.
The doc said that a hearing aid might help. I just found out that my insurance covers hearing aids to the tune of $2,000 / 24 months!!
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.