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Old 12-14-2009, 12:20 AM   #134 (permalink)
YaWhateva's Avatar
Location: New Mexico
Originally Posted by Zeraph View Post
What's with the match making system the last 3 or 4 days? I'm getting paired with much lower skilled people vs the opponent team having all the higher skilled people. I'm carrying the team like, every time now and I keep losing. Used to win random solo queues about 2/3s of the time, now the ratio is more like I'm *losing* 3/4s of the time. Doesn't matter how well I do, I still often end with kills in the teens but my team loses.

Anyways, I don't recall it in the patch notes but did they implement that new match making system yet or have I just gotten a string of bad luck? What I really don't get is how all these losses haven't dropped my elo score so low I haven't been dropped down some brackets (and started seeing wimpier teams).

I know I know, ironic post coming after that last one.
I've been seeing the same thing lately, before my team would be all about my skill level but lately I've been getting people who are absolutely terrible and a few times the opposing team's lowest level was in the mid 20's. What is that? I hardly have time to play so I'm like level 12 and my teammates are all in the single digit level and the opposing team is in the mid 20's. One time though my team was in the late teens, and the highest level of the other team was 6. The match was over nearly instantly, it's getting kind of ridiculous.
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