I've read them. They made me angry. It's all about self-insertion, that's got to be it. I think maybe when you're a young girl and you haven't been hurt it's this 'perfect' (and I use that term veeeerrry loosely) relationship. It feeds the idea that you'll start secondary school (high school probably, to most of you) and there'll be a mysterious boy who's the most gorgeous boy in school and he'll want YOU. I'm guessing Stephenie had no such luck when she was at high school. And maybe that's the appeal to some adults, maybe they had a rubbish time at school and this is what they would have dreamed of happening to them. This may be a super-duper generalisation, I'm not saying that's the appeal to all adult ladies, but I can understand it as reasoning for maybe some.
For me, there are aspects of it that I really like that have nothing to do with Bella and Edward. I like the other Cullens because they're quite cool - they have interesting powers, which don't jar with me because I'm not really a vampire traditionalist. I like the wolves too, to some extent.
I despise Bella, one of the most annoying Mary-Sues I've ever had the misfortune of reading. Edward doesn't do anything for me either, so it's not that. Honestly I can't tell you what it is. I wouldn't even say I like it, so I can't explain how I've read the books! Although, Breaking Dawn did make me want to stick my head in a lawnmower.