Originally Posted by aceventura3
The atmosphere is a whole, CO2 and water vapor make up a part of the whole. If you manipulate one component of the whole it affects the other components assuming those components are not constants. So, unless there is evidence that water vapor is a constant, which I have not seen any evidence of, a manipulation of CO2 can impact the amount water vapor in the atmosphere. So, in theory if you can control one you can control other variables. A reduction in CO2 with an increase in other green house gases may off-set each other in terms of climate change or they may interact in a pendulum fashion when one component goes to far to one extreme it swings back seeking equilibrium.
The warmer the temperature, the higher the dew point.. which means the air can hold more moisture without condensation occuring. If C02 at all causes warming, a likely effect will be an INCREASE in the atmosphere's capacity to store water vapor, which in turn will cause more warming.
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Last edited by sprocket; 12-12-2009 at 09:01 AM..